A landscape painting of distant mountains with an ascetic's hut set in a forest.

Resources for a better understanding.

With more and more academic research about yoga being published, finding good sources of information online is increasingly important. A group of scholars looking at yoga and based in the social sciences and humanities have therefore got together to develop a web-based resource for those interested in this field.

This initiative is run by a group of established scholars who conduct research on yoga which formed at the Yoga Darśana, Yoga Sādhana international yoga conference in Kraków, Poland in May 2022. Their aim is to develop a website that offers information about the best quality yoga-related research in the humanities and social sciences.

Early Career Research in Yoga Studies

SOAS Centre of Yoga Studies is hosting a gathering of Early Career Scholars in Yoga Studies, all of whom are Graduates of the SOAS MA in Yoga Studies or South Asia Studies.

The aim of this gathering is to forge a collegial network that will provide a supportive environment to sharpen your thinking, challenge your ideas, and share your journey as you undertake research. Additionally, a keynote speaker will offer both inspiration and advice on advancing in the academy.

Latest Reflection

  • Light on Hatha Project - HP Symposium in Oxford 2024 Illuminating the Roots of Yoga: The Haṭhapradīpikā Critical Edition

    This collaboration between researchers at the University of Oxford (Professor James Mallinson, Dr. Jason Birch) and the University of Marburg (Professor Jürgen Hanneder, Dr. Mitsuyo Demoto, Mr. Nils-Jacob Liersch) will produce the an authoritative critical edition along with an annotated translation of the Haṭhapradīpikā’s primary recension. Through meticulous examination of surviving manuscript witnesses, Professors Mallinson, Hanneder, and their research teams have produced a new critical edition of the Haṭhapradīpikā.

Yoga Research Mailing List

list@yogaresearch.org is a new email discussion group providing a forum for academic discussion among professional scholars of Yoga Studies.

Membership of the list is mainly open to scholars with an advanced degree and whose primary field is yoga studies. Sending a short academic CV is a requirement for approval.

Find out more about the list and how to join.

A painting of a tiger in a forest

Featured Researcher Profile

  • Photo of Laura von Ostrowski Dr Laura von Ostrowski

    Laura von Ostrowski studied Indology, Religious Studies and Romance Studies at LMU Munich.From 2015-2018 she was a fellow of the DFG Research Training Group “Presence and Implicit Knowledge” at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and received her PhD in Religious Studies in 2021. The book to her PhD-thesis was published Open Access under the title A Text in Motion in 2022. Her areas of research include modern and contemporary yoga, the reception of the Yogasūtra, the history of German yoga and of the physical culture movement, contemporary religion, aesthetics and embodiment. Since 2007, she works as a yoga teacher, runs her own yoga studio in the centre of Munich since 2018 and teaches about the history of modern yoga at the online education portal www.yogastudien.de, associated with the University of Hamburg, Germany.

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