Dr. Beatrix Hauser

Beatrix Hauser is a Senior Lecturer in the Institute for the Science of Religion and Related Didactics at the University of Bremen. She received her academic training in Social Anthropology (MA and PhD from the University of Hamburg) and holds a habilitation degree from the University of Halle (2009). Her main research interests lie in the anthropology of the body, ritual studies, Hinduism and gender. Her current research focuses on the mutual influence of health seeking behaviour and spiritual aspirations, taking modern postural yoga as a prime example and considering case studies from Germany and India.

Institutional website: https://www.uni-bremen.de/religionswissenschaft/personen/pd-dr-beatrix-hauser

Academia: https://uni-bremen.academia.edu/BeatrixHauser

Selected publications relating to Modern Yoga

Edited Book

2013 – Yoga Traveling: Bodily Practice in Transcultural Perspective. Cham: Springer.

Book and Journal Chapters

2024 – Improving Moral Posture: Female Pioneers of Hatha Yoga in 1950s Germany. In: Religions of South Asia 18.

2021 – The Health Imaginary of Postural Yoga. In: Anthropology & Medicine, 1-23, DOI: 10.1080/13648470.2021.1949962.

2018 – Following the Transcultural Circulation of Bodily Practices: Modern Yoga and the Corporeality of Mantras. In: Yoga in Transformation. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Ed. by Karl Baier, Philipp A. Maas & Karin Preisendanz. Wien: V & R Unipress, 507-528, DOI: 10.14220/9783737008624.505.

2013 – Introduction: Transcultural Yoga(s): On Analyzing a Traveling Subject. In: Yoga Traveling: Bodily Practice in Transcultural Perspective. Ed. by Beatrix Hauser. Cham: Springer, 1–34.

2013 – Touching Limits, Assessing Pain: On Language Performativity, Health and Well-Being in Yoga Classes. In Yoga Traveling: Bodily Practice in Trans­cultural Perspective. Ed. by Beatrix Hauser. Cham: Springer, 109–134.

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