[YRL] Call for abstracts
Theo Wildcroft
theo at theowildcroft.com
Wed Aug 28 12:42:53 BST 2024
Call for abstracts: Religion and the Sense of SelfEditor: Theo Wildcroft
As part of the ongoing Equinox series “*Religion and the Senses*”, this is
an invitation to submit abstracts for chapters in the forthcoming
volume *Religion
and the Sense of Self*.
Human conceptions of identity are of central concern to both religious
philosophies and the academic disciplines associated with them. Yet much of
this debate is strangely abstract and disincarnate. We label ourselves with
our attributes, metrics and qualifications; with our age, gender,
profession, likes and dislikes. We do not describe ourselves by the way it
feels to be a body – to be this body in particular, in this moment.
To truly speak of the sense of self, is to speak beyond our identity labels
to speak of the heaviness of grief and the bubbling of joy. In the
transcendence of group ritual, the self dissolves into the collective. In
contemplative practice, the self can experience itself as infinite.
This volume will revisit some of the historical assumptions of both
theological and academic discourse, and compare personhood as it is
constituted in more than Western religious cultures, and more than modern
discourses. Throughout, this volume will focus on the self in, and as a
function of, its relationship with others. Such intimate concerns will
naturally trouble the boundaries between emic and etic perspectives,
approaching the old question of positionality in the study of religion in
new ways.
The act of becoming, and naming the self, is also a long-established act of
rebellion and reclamation for marginalised and oppressed identities. We are
particularly interested in contributions that consider religion and the
sense of self as disabled, as indigenous, as racially-othered,
differently-gendered and contributions that otherwise speak to the margins
of religious, political and academic realities.
· *Please send a proposed title and 250 word abstract to *
*theo at theowildcroft.com* <theo at theowildcroft.com>* by 9th September 2024*
· If chosen, completed chapters of approximately 9,000 words will be
expected by 6th January 2025
· Peer review and revision should be completed by May 2025
Many thanks for your consideration. Please share this proposal with any
scholars or PG students you think would be interested,
*Use this email address to reach Theo Wildcroft, PhD.*
*Use theo.wildcroft at open.ac.uk <theo.wildcroft at open.ac.uk> for
communications related to the OU.*
*Use t.wildcroft at chester.ac.uk <t.wildcroft at chester.ac.uk> **for
communications related to the **University of Chester,*
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